πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ’» prep


The fourth class day will be interview day. Your interview will take place in a hiring platform, Evidenced. An assessor will ask you questions about your code and your projects. You can be asked about any part of any of your projects, so make sure you understand it all, including the parts your teammates wrote.

The success criteria is listed on the success page. Read it carefully so you know what you need to do to succeed.


Your interviewer will expect you to have a secure understanding of:

  • All of the projects you have worked on during the Piscine, including the code other people wrote
  • Professional English at a B2 level
  • A limited subset of JavaScript concepts at a junior level

Review these areas before your interview. Read over the day plan for interview day so you know what to expect.

And remember: the assessor is not there to catch you out. They are there to help you do your best. If you don’t understand a question, ask for clarification. If you don’t know the answer, say so. If you need a moment to think, take it. 🌱

Programming Prerequisites

Learning Objectives

Check your understanding.

Before you join the Piscine, you should have a secure understanding of a limited subset of programming concepts at a junior level. The projects, activities, and interviews are designed for people who have a working knowledge of the following foundational concepts:

JavaScript fundamentals

  • Variables: let, const
  • Primitive data types: String, Number, Boolean, undefined, null
  • Data structures: Array, Object
  • Navigating Objects: Object.entries, Object.fromEntries, Object.keys, Object.values
  • Navigating Arrays: Array.includes, Array.slice
  • Operators: =, ==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=, &&, ||, !, %, +, -, *, /
  • Control structures: if, else, else if, switch, case, break, continue, return
  • Functions: function, =>, scope, callbacks, and extracting a function
  • Loops: for, for of
  • Higher order functions that take callbacks: Array.map, Array.filter, Array.find, Array.findIndex

JavaScript in the browser

  • Asynchronous programming: Promise, async/await
  • Web APIs: fetch, addEventListener, setTimeout, document
  • Manipulating the DOM with Web APIs: Finding elements, Creating elements, Adding elements to the DOM, Removing elements from the DOM, Changing elements currently in the DOM

JavaScript Testing

  • Assertions in Jest: describe, it, expect, to, toEqual, toBe, not
  • Error handling: try, catch, throw


  • Git commands: status, clone, add, commit, push, pull, merge, branch, checkout